I couldn’t agree more with these words by Madan Kataria. I’ve been aware for a long time of the positive impact a great big belly laughter session has on me. I feel kinda floaty & lighter. I notice how I continue to ‘grin’ long after the source of the laughter has been received.
When I first heard of Laughter Yoga, I chuckled to myself; (pun not intended) is there really such a thing?
I mean don’t get me wrong, there’s been plenty of times when I’ve cracked up during my regular yoga sessions. Particularly when the lovely Jayne @mindfulofbeing has invited me to ‘gracefully move into dancing Sheba’. Graceful my arse! But no, Laughter Yoga is a stand alone practice by itself.
Prior to listening to Dr Kataria’s work, I imagined stand up comics at the front of a class full of people sat on yoga mats, or maybe even ‘tickle people’ strategically placed to pop out & take you by surprise! Er, not quite like that it seems.
When I began to read about the science behind it; I realised what I’d always felt was the case, was actually supported by research. Laughter really does help us.
How then, when I’m not tuned into ‘Live at the Apollo’, or hanging out with my funniest tribe members am I going to achieve this?
Well it seems our brain responds the same way to genuine laughter as it does during laughter exercises (the kind undertaken during laughter yoga). I tried engaging in some laughter exercises from stone cold serious. I felt quite silly, looking round in case someone had a recording device because I was pretty sure I looked bat shit crazy . However, I did begin to appreciate that perhaps that in itself was where the potentiality lay. If I was forcing myself to laugh, others observing would surely wet themselves, and in turn I would return the favour, (Note to self: add Tena ladies to the shopping list).
These were the findings of Madan Kataria, author of ‘Laughter Yoga’, when he engaged with some research of laughter therapy. When you come together as a group to collectively ‘fake laugh’ it usually ends up in genuine, authentic laughter.
Whether you decide to join an online laughter group (there are free Skype laughter clubs all over the world) or forge forward to engage with meeting up more with those members of your tribe whose company gets you running for the loo with one hand over your crutch; it seems it doesn’t matter! According to the research, just 15/20 mins of laughter a day can have you reaping these benefits:
😂Mood enhancer
Releasing those oh so clever chemicals; Endorphins.
🤣Stress reducing
The lower your stress levels the stronger your immune system becomes.
😂Boosts oxygen levels
For optimal brain function, we need 25% more oxygen. Laughter yoga increases the net amount of oxygen to your brain.
🤣Great Social Connector
As Humans we’re hard wired for connection. A shared moment of laughter offers us an opportunity to engage in a deeper mutual understanding.
Practicing Laughter yoga can support your development of learning to laugh during times of hardship, perhaps the times when we need a rest bite from those challenges of life the most.
Today is Belly Laughter Day. I had no idea there was such a thing until I stumbled across it during my personal research.
So Happy Belly Laughter day everyone!